Archive for the ‘Tomatoes’ Category

Father’s Day Tomato Gift Set Popular with Australian Media

Press Articles, Tomatoes | 0 Comments


 We're absolutely delighted with the media coverage we've received from rural Australian press recently. It's good to find editors who understand how incredibly popular growing tomatoes at home has become.  Click on the images below to read the full stories.    

Tomato Book Set Now Available in Mitre 10 Stores

Tomatoes | 0 Comments


We're very pleased to announce that many Mitre 10 and associated hardware stores around Australia are now stocking our book How to Grow Juicy Tasty Tomatoes.  This is really exciting news as it means the books are accessible to people in all areas of Australia and they can purchase them immediately instead of having to ...

How to Order our Tomato Book Set – Featured in Blues Country Magazine

Press Articles, Tomatoes | 0 Comments

blues country magazine

Click on the image above to read the great How to Grow Juicy Tasty Tomatoes article We're absolutely delighted that the wonderful Blues Country magazine published a lovely feature on our book How to Grow Juicy Tasty Tomatoes. This wonderful magazine is distributed throughout Qld, NT, NSW and WA in Australia and is ...

Growing Tomatoes Organically

Cultivation, Organic Gardening, Tomatoes | 2 Comments

Organic Vegetable Gardening

Organic gardening has often been thought of as the preserve of eccentrics who refused to accept the self-evident truth that twentieth-century progress had transformed the ancient art of gardening. Why did they fiddle around with compost and garlic spray when modern fertilisers and insecticides were so much more efficient and easier to use? Opinions have changed, ...

Does the moon influence tomato growth?

Cultivation, Tomatoes | 0 Comments

New Moon

Planting by the moon is a method that has been practised in rural communities for over two thousand years. It is believed that planting by the phases of the Moon provides a superior garden.   Seeds germinate faster. Plants are hardier and more disease-resistant. They blossom sooner and bear more fruit. Just as importantly, they better resist ...

Late Blight on Tomatoes

Diseases, Tomatoes | 5 Comments

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Late blight is caused by the fungal disease Phytophthora infestans – one of the most devastating diseases of its time.  It was the cause of the great Irish potato famine in the 1850’s.  Such was the starvation, that millions of Irish people emigrated – just to find food. Late blight is a disease that mainly attacks ...