Jul 5th

Following on from Part 1 of this article where we talked about what root knot nematode (RKN) is, the symptoms and some soft options for control, in this article, we look at the rest of the tools that can be used in an integrated control strategy.
Crop Rotation with Tolerant Crops
Rotate susceptible crops, or crops which ...
Tags: pests, potato diseases, tomato diseases
Jun 29th

Many gardeners will have seen root knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) infection in your crops, especially if you have sandy soils. It is easily diagnosed as it commonly causes swellings or galls on the roots and other underground parts of your plants which can vary from 1 mm to several centimetres in diameter. These galls detrimentally ...
Tags: nematodes, potato diseases, tomato diseases
Jan 27th

Within the last month or two the east coast of Australia has seen unseasonably heavy rainfall and floods. Such weather is conducive to the development of a common disease on both tomatoes and potatoes known as ‘Late Blight’ caused by the fungal-like organism Phytophthora infestans. It has the ability to rapidly wipe out crops and ...
Tags: fungal diseases, late blight, potato diseases, tomato diseases
Nov 6th

Grey wall or blotchy ripening is a name that is indicative of the disorder where fruit do not ripen properly or ripen unevenly. Symptoms develop whilst the fruit is still green. This condition is only found on the fruit and not on the plant.
Affected green fruit, have large, greyish or yellowish hard blotches on the ...
Tags: tomato diseases, tomato gray wall, tomato grey wall, uneven ripening of tomato
May 10th

Late blight is caused by the fungal disease Phytophthora infestans – one of the most devastating diseases of its time. It was the cause of the great Irish potato famine in the 1850’s. Such was the starvation, that millions of Irish people emigrated – just to find food.
Late blight is a disease that mainly attacks ...
Tags: late blight, tomato diseases, Tomatoes