Oct 20th

We're thrilled that the November edition of The Gardener magazine - South Africa's premier gardening publication has featured a lovely 3 page article on growing organically, directly from our book How to Grow Juicy Tasty Tomatoes.
Here's an extract of that article. (Click on the image to see the full article as published in The Gardener)
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Tags: grow organic, humus, organic tomatoes, Tomatoes
Jun 29th

Organic gardening has often been thought of as the preserve of eccentrics who refused to accept the self-evident truth that twentieth-century progress had transformed the ancient art of gardening. Why did they fiddle around with compost and garlic spray when modern fertilisers and insecticides were so much more efficient and easier to use?
Opinions have changed, ...
Tags: growing tomatoes, organic gardening, organic tomatoes, Tomatoes