Posts Tagged ‘growing in pots’

Stacking Gardens – Why They’re Great

Containers | 1 Comment

kitchen garden stacker

There's nothing better than being able to pick fresh herbs and salad veggies seconds before you need them.  But what do you do if you have limited space or limited sunlight? As our garden is tropical and quite shady - there's not too many areas where we can grow veggies and herbs.  But - we came ...

How to Grow Vegetables in Containers

Containers, Cultivation, Gardening Equipment | 3 Comments

container gardening

With the difficult weather that many regions have experience over the last year, the prices of many vegetables have hit peaks rarely seen before. This is bad news on the ‘hip pocket’! The good news is that you don’t have to pay these high prices.  You can have a lot of fun growing your own chemical ...