Archive for the ‘Cultivation’ Category

Growing Tomatoes Organically

Cultivation, Organic Gardening, Tomatoes | 2 Comments

Organic Vegetable Gardening

Organic gardening has often been thought of as the preserve of eccentrics who refused to accept the self-evident truth that twentieth-century progress had transformed the ancient art of gardening. Why did they fiddle around with compost and garlic spray when modern fertilisers and insecticides were so much more efficient and easier to use? Opinions have changed, ...

How Potatoes Grow

Cultivation, Potatoes | 2 Comments

Potato Kit

This article focuses on the growth of "white" potatoes - your standard every day potato which is a member of the Solanaceae family which includes tomatoes, eggplants and capsicums.  Sweet potatoes are a different family than white potatoes.  The sweet potato is a member of the morning-glory family, Convolvulaceae.  Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) are not actually ...

Does the moon influence tomato growth?

Cultivation, Tomatoes | 0 Comments

New Moon

Planting by the moon is a method that has been practised in rural communities for over two thousand years. It is believed that planting by the phases of the Moon provides a superior garden.   Seeds germinate faster. Plants are hardier and more disease-resistant. They blossom sooner and bear more fruit. Just as importantly, they better resist ...