Archive for the ‘Beets’ Category

Growing your own Beetroot

Beets, Cultivation | 0 Comments


While not everyone rates beetroot as their most popular veggie, it is a really easy root crop to grow in a home garden. Better still, there are now different-coloured varieties, including both white and golden fleshed beet, adding a new dimension to this soft, super-sweet root vegetable. The Best Soil for Growing Beetroot While you can grow ...

Understanding Silver Beet, Swiss Chard and Spinach

Beets, Spinach | 2 Comments

baby spinach1 While many people identify Swiss chard as a kind of spinach, it is in fact known and officially catalogued as spinach beet and silver beet, and is not the same family as spinach at all. Silver beet (or chard) is related to the beetroot family. To confuse the picture further, New Zealand spinach is not ...